AUTTO logs the number of times a workflow is executed and saves the data it gathers every time it is executed. The data is downloadable as a CSV or XLSX file. It is available from a published workflow's Data page. This article discusses the Data page in more detail.
NOTE: From the Data page, AUTTO also generates analytics reports that show the number and percentage of users and the amount of time it takes these users to make it through a workflow's nodes. The analytics reports can be saved or downloaded as a PDF file. For more information, see Analytics in AUTTO.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Viewing a Workflow's Execution Progress
- Viewing, Filtering, and Downloading Detailed Workflow Data
- Viewing and Managing Users of a Published Workflow
A workflow's execution progress and the data it collects when it is run can be viewed from the Data page on the Workflow Editor.
Viewing a Workflow's Execution Progress
A workflow's execution progress shows how users have been progressing through the workflow's Actions. For example, a workflow with a Form, Page, and Email action aside from the Start action will have a progress tracker like the one shown in the image below. Completed actions are marked with a check, while actions that have been skipped or have not yet been completed are blank.
The username and email address, if available, are also captured (these columns will remain blank if the workflow is set to Public). If the user has executed the workflow completely, the Completed column on the farthest right is also marked with a check.
NOTE: Workflows with two or more branches (see Branching a Workflow) will show empty columns in the Progress tracker. This means that the user did not go through the actions in those branches.
To view how your users are progressing through a workflow:
- On the Admin Dashboard, look for the published workflow, then click Edit.
- On the Workflow Editor, click the Data button on the top right.
- Under the Progress tab, progress data for the latest version of the workflow is displayed by default. You may select another workflow version, if applicable, from the list.
- To download a copy of the progress data in either CSV or XLSX format, click the appropriate buttons on the bottom of the Progress tracker.
- On the Download data window, enter your password, then click Done. The copies are then saved to the default download folder on your PC.
Viewing, Filtering, and Downloading Detailed Workflow Data
In contrast to the summary data available in the Progress tab, more detailed data on a published workflow is provided through the Workflow Data tab. All information entered into the workflow, including data saved into square brackets, are found under this tab.
When you open the Workflow Data tab, the username, user reference, email address, workflow reference, session ID, and the start date are displayed on the columns below.
Each user who goes through a workflow will have a unique user reference number. The dates and times when a user started and/or completed the workflow are also given, serving as a comprehensive audit trail of the user's actions on the workflow.
To View Workflow Data
To view detailed data about a published workflow:
- On the Admin Dashboard, look for the published workflow, then click Edit.
- On the Workflow Editor, click the Data tab on the top right, then click the Workflow Data tab that appears to the left.
- By default, a summary of the current version's workflow data is displayed. If applicable, you may view workflow data for other versions by selecting the version number from the list.
NOTE: To apply filters to the data, see To Filter Workflow Data. To download the data, see To Download Workflow Data. - Click the button on the rightmost column to open the complete details about the workflow execution in a separate browser window or tab.
NOTE: #NO_DATA# is shown in fields that users left blank or did not enter any data.
To Filter Workflow Data
There are several ways to filter workflow data and get the information you are looking for in a faster manner.
By Action Completed or Date
You may filter the detailed workflow data by Action Completed and/or Date.
To filter the data for a published workflow:
- Under the Workflow Data tab, click the Filter button to the right of the version number.
- Select from the available filter options. If you filter by Action Completed, you need to select the Action you want to view data for from the list.
- Click Query to apply the selected filters to the workflow data.
By User Name, User Email, or Session ID
You may also search the detailed workflow data by User Name, User Email, or Session ID.
- Under the Workflow Data tab, look for the User Name list in the middle.
- To search by User Name, enter the name you are looking for in the text box to the right, then skip to Step 3.
- To search by User Email or Session ID, select either of these options from the list, then enter the User Email or Session ID you are looking for in the text box on the right.
- Click the Search button.
TIP! To show the workflows that a user has gone through, search for the name of the user.
By Square Bracket Name, Square Bracket Value, or Action Name
You may filter the available data for a specific workflow session by Square Bracket Name, Square Bracket Value, or Action name (the name given to an Action when the workflow is first configured).
- Under the Workflow Data tab, look for the workflow session you want to get more details on.
- Click the button under the rightmost Full Data column to open the detailed session data in a separate browser window or tab.
- Select either Square Bracket Name, Square Bracket Value, or Action Name from the list near the top.
- Enter the value of the option you selected in Step 3, then click the Search button on the right.
TIP! When filtering square brackets, enter the expected data that was entered into the square bracket to show a list of workflows that meet the filter condition. For example, in a Country square bracket, you can enter United Kingdom.
To Download Workflow Data
You may download workflow data to either a CSV or XSLX file to facilitate its review using different software such as Microsoft Excel.
- To download workflow data to a CSV file, click the Download CSV button. To download to an XLSX file, click the Download XLSX button instead.
- Enter your password, then click Done. The file is saved to the default download folder on your PC.
NOTE: If you filtered the data (see To Filter Workflow Data), only the filtered data will be downloaded.
Viewing and Managing Users of a Published Workflow
Names, email addresses, and status of a published workflow's users are provided through the Users tab. From here, you can also invite users to the workflow, and customize the invitation email as well.
You can also update the status of a user from Active to Suspended or vice versa from here. Suspended users will not be able to use the workflow until they have been made Active again.
To View User Details
- On the Admin Dashboard, look for the published workflow, then click Edit.
- On the Workflow Editor, click the Data tab on the top right, then click the Users tab that appears to the left.
NOTE: If you find the data to be incomplete, e.g., the email address is missing (as seen in the screenshot above), this may be due to the workflow being set as Public, meaning even unregistered users have access to it.
To Invite a New User to the Workflow
Typically, users are added to user groups with access to specific workflows. However, you can also invite a user to a workflow via the Users tab on the Data page.
To invite a user to a workflow, under the Email section on top, enter the user's email address, then click Invite. This sends an invitation email to the user.
To Edit the Email Invitation Template
While there is a default email template for new users added to the workflow, you can edit this if required.
To edit the invitation email template:
- Click the Edit Invitation button under the Email section at the top.
- On the Edit Invitation window, make your changes to the template.
- Optionally, click the Send Test button to send a test email to yourself with an inactive link.
- Click Done to save your changes and exit the Edit Invitation window.
To Change the Status of a User
You may change the status of a user from Active to Suspended or vice versa. To change the status, select the status from the list, then click Update.
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