Square brackets can be formatted depending on the type of information stored in them. This article discusses formatting of square brackets in more detail.
NOTE: This article covers formatting of square brackets of data types. For information about formatting table square brackets, see Formatting a Table Square Bracket.
Table of Contents
- What Data Types can be Formatted?
- Formatting an Address Square Bracket
- Formatting a Date Square Bracket
- Formatting a Time Square Bracket
What Data Types can be Formatted?
Generally, square brackets are allowed to be formatted to make the information stored on them stand out when you use them in your workflow's Actions. This is particularly true when you used them in Actions with rich-text editing capabilities such as the Page and Email actions.
The level of formatting is different for the following data types:
- Address
- Date
- Time
Formatting an Address Square Bracket
An Address square bracket is used to store a user's address. You can format the square bracket when you use it later in a workflow.
The procedure below details the steps for formatting an Address square bracket in a Page action.
To format an Address square bracket:
- On the Action Editor, position the cursor where you want to display the square bracket.
- Enter the opening bracket, [, then start typing the Address square bracket's name.
- Aside from the Address square bracket's name, you will see that the name also appears together with its available suffixes, e.g. L1, L2, City, Code, and Country. You may select either the square bracket by its name or together with its suffixes.
- If you select just the square bracket name, you can choose to display the Address in a single line or multiple lines.
- If you select the Address square bracket together with any of its suffixes, only the applicable suffix will be shown. For example, if you select the Address square bracket with its Country suffix, only the Country will appear on the Page when it is run as part of a workflow.
- As shown in the above videos, you can also format the Address square bracket using the rich-text editor, just like any other square bracket in a Page action.
Below is an example of a multi-line Address square bracket as displayed in a workflow.
Formatting a Date Square Bracket
A Date square bracket is used to store dates. After creating a Date square bracket, you can format it when you use it later in a workflow.
The procedure below details the steps for formatting a Date square bracket in a Page action.
To format a Date square bracket:
- On the Action Editor, position the cursor where you want to display the square bracket.
- Enter the opening bracket, [, then start typing the Date square bracket's name.
- A Date square bracket always has two suffixes, namely date and period.
- Selecting the Date square bracket with the date suffix presents you with a list of available date formats, from which you can choose your preferred format. The date will be displayed on the Page using this format when you run the workflow.
- Selecting the Date square bracket with the period suffix will display the date as the covered period from the entered date. The date will be displayed on the Page using this format when you run the workflow.
- As shown in the above video, you can also format the Date square bracket using the rich-text editor, just like any other square bracket in a Page action.
Formatting a Time Square Bracket
A Time square bracket is used to store the time. After creating a Time square bracket, you can format it when you use it later in a workflow.
The procedure below details the steps for formatting a Time square bracket in a Page action.
To format a Time square bracket:
- On the Action Editor, position the cursor where you want to display the square bracket.
- Enter the opening bracket, [, then start typing the Time square bracket's name.
- Click the square bracket name, then select either the 12-hour or 24-hour format. The time will be displayed on the Page using the selected format when you run the workflow.
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