This article introduces the AUTTO applications accessible to your users, namely, the Admin Dashboard, the Workflow URL, and the User Dashboard.
Table of Contents
The Admin Dashboard
The Admin Dashboard contains a list of all your workflows. From here, workflows are created, published, and made available to users.
From the Admin Dashboard, you can search for a specific workflow and view workflows created by other AUTTO users in your organisation.
The Admin Dashboard is only accessible to authorised users, who are classified into two types, namely:
- Administrators
- Managers
All features on the Dashboard are available to administrators, including managing your company's details and creating and editing workflows.
On the other hand, Managers cannot edit your company's details. However, they can also create workflows, edit workflows that they have been invited to manage, and invite other users to manage these workflows. Managers also do not have the ability to download data.
When Managers log on to AUTTO for the first time, they will see a notification that they do not have any workflows yet. They can choose to create one immediately after.
To view and access your organisation's workflows, they must click the [Organisation_name] Workflows button on the top right, just below the Administration menu, then select the option at the bottom. In the screenshot below, the organisation's workflows are under support workflows.
For more information on users, see Managing Users in AUTTO.
The Admin Menu
The Admin Dashboard has the Main menu on the topmost-right. The available options on this menu are dependent on the type of user accessing it.
The available options are:
- Subscription (for Administrators only)
- Administration
- User Groups
- User Settings
- Data Tables
- Integrations
- API Manager
- Stylesheet Manager
- Log Out
AUTTO Help is directly accessible from the Admin Dashboard. You can use this to search for help topics on AUTTO, or to contact AUTTO Customer Support. For more information, see Getting Support.
The Workflow URL
Once published, workflows are accessible through a unique URL generated via the Admin Dashboard. Using any web browser, users can access and run the workflow via its unique URL.
If the workflow's publishing setting is set to Public, anyone with the URL can access it. When accessed via its unique URL, a Public workflow opens its Start page. You can then run through the workflow until completion.
If the publishing setting is set to User Group/Invitation Required, only invited users or users given access via a user group can run the workflow using the unique URL.
If the publishing setting is set to Registration Required, any user with the URL can access the workflow. However, they must set up an AUTTO account first before they can run the workflow.
For more information on publishing settings, see Creating a Workflow.
You can start using User Group/Invitation Required and Invitation Required workflows once you have logged on to the User Application.
Use the navigation buttons on the bottom left to work your way through the workflow. Click Back if you need to go back to a previous step in the workflow.
Once you have finished working through a workflow, or you want to save a session, you can click Save & Logout.
The User Dashboard
When you log on to a workflow's URL, you should see a list of the other workflows that Administrators have chosen to display on the User Dashboard and are accessible to you. If the workflow has also been set as one that can be started from the User Dashboard, you will also be able to run the workflow directly, even without knowing its exact URL.
In addition, you can view a list of your tasks and assignments on the User Dashboard. This is especially applicable to workflows where one or more steps are handed off to other users, or where you need to electronically sign a form or document.
To view this list, click the hamburger menu on the top right, then My Dashboard.
NOTE: Users who have been given access to your workflows can also directly enter the URL for the User Dashboard to see a list of workflows accessible to them. The User Dashboard can be accessed from, where exampleURL is the subdomain of your AUTTO instance.
By default, the list shows the workflows in blocks. To change this to a traditional list, click the View menu to the left and select List.
The last workflow you worked on but have not completed appears at the top of the list. If Administrators have set the workflow to be resumed from the User Dashboard, you will see a Resume button below the workflow.
Other paused workflow sessions will show a Resume button. Click the button to resume working on the paused session.
Also listed are the other workflows to which you have been given access. Workflows that administrators have allowed users to start from the User Dashboard will show a Start button at the bottom. Click this button to start working on a workflow directly from the User Dashboard.
All workflows to which you have been given access appear on the list by default. To filter the list, click either the Resume or Start filter buttons on the top right. The Resume filter lists only the paused workflow sessions, and the Start filter lists only the workflows that have not been started yet.
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